The community is broken up by several several E6 streams draining the beaver pond located approx. 50 m west. Roughly 5 m from the southern edge of the plot is an upland hemlock - yellow birch / Rhododendron maximum forest.;Early successional open "bog". Dominated by Rhynchospora alba, Dulichium arundinaceum, and Juncus brevicaudatus in the wet hollows and low shrubs with Eriophorum virginicum on the hummocks. The surrounding upland forest was historically logged and burned. The "bog" appears to have gone through several stages of being wet and dry depending on beaver activity. No active beaver sign in plot. There are several pitcher plants growing in the plot. Cold clear spring seeps into the wetland from sandstone just south of plot (but doesn't seem to affect vegetation).
Large patch of open Eriophorum virginicum - Rhynchospora alba / Sphagnum "bog". This is the most extensive community type here. It is not as extensive as patches found in Cranberry Glades or Canaan.